AN-124-100 Aircraft
    Maximum Takeoff Weight: 392.000 KG
    Maximum Load Capacity: 120.000 KG ( * 140.000 KG )
    Maximum Cruising Speed: 865 KM/Hour
    Normal Cruising Speed: 800 KM/Hour
    Max Payload Flight Range: 4.500 KM
    Maximum Load Required Minimum Runway Length: 3.000 m
    Normal Load Required Runway Length: 2.520 m
    Cargo Section Internal Dimensions Length: 36,50m x Most 6,40m x Height 4,40m
    Cargo Doors Dimensions (Front / Rear): Most 6,40m x Height 4,40m
    Cargo Hold Volume: 1.030 cubic meter
The aircraft deck is equipped with mobile loading cranes with a total lifting capacity of 20,000 KG. It is possible to transport single-piece cargo up to 55 tons without special permission. AN-124-100 Aircraft is the world's largest capacity Cargo Aircraft, used for heavy and large-volume loads.